Stop the Silence: Join the Fight Against Child Abuse!

Help Fight Against Child Abuse

Child abuse happens behind closed doors. It can be happening in your neighborhood. Children all over Chester County are dealing with the trauma of abuse and neglect. Our Exchange Club Family Center is working to change this. Please help support the Pinwheels For Prevention campaign to help fight against child abuse. Click here to donate to this great cause!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Family Service is hoping to raise $20,000 for our Exchange Club Family Center program through a Pinwheel Garden campaign. Our goal is to plant a MASSIVE pinwheel garden at Family Service! With your donation, you will be helping to ensure children are safe, nurtured, and protected.

Pinwheel gardens represent our effort to focus on community activities that support families and public policies that prioritize prevention right from the start to make sure child abuse and neglect never occur. Shining in the sun, the pinwheel is reflective of the bright future all children deserve and our belief that getting it right early is less costly than trying to fix it later.

Frederick Douglass said that “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” And it’s true. You cannot give a child back their childhood. You cannot undo trauma once it is experienced, you can only alleviate the harm.